[Source: https://littlevillagemag.com/prison-recidivism-covid-19-cedar-rapids/
Little Village Magazine, 17 June 2020, by Izabela Zaluska]
Eddie Walker was released from prison last June after being incarcerated for 18 years for a robbery charge. Now living in Iowa City, Walker recalled the arduous process of finding an apartment after his release; in one instance, he was told by a rental company that he was an ideal potential renter, but they wouldn’t draw up a lease for him due to his criminal record.
“That can be crushing, because you’re thinking ‘Man, I got a place,’ … and then someone says no because you have that X in that box,” Walker said. Read More
Last Updated: August 17, 2020 by InsideOut Reentry
‘How we treat the formerly incarcerated doesn’t rank very high in the minds of most folks’: With COVID-19, the fight against recidivism in Iowa is even more urgent
[Source: https://littlevillagemag.com/prison-recidivism-covid-19-cedar-rapids/
Little Village Magazine, 17 June 2020, by Izabela Zaluska]
Eddie Walker was released from prison last June after being incarcerated for 18 years for a robbery charge. Now living in Iowa City, Walker recalled the arduous process of finding an apartment after his release; in one instance, he was told by a rental company that he was an ideal potential renter, but they wouldn’t draw up a lease for him due to his criminal record.
“That can be crushing, because you’re thinking ‘Man, I got a place,’ … and then someone says no because you have that X in that box,” Walker said. Read More
Last Updated: August 17, 2020 by InsideOut Reentry
Governor Reynolds pushing to approve more felon voting rights applications prior to caucuses
[Sources: https://www.kcrg.com/content/news/Governor-Reynolds-pushing-to-approve-more-felon-voting-rights-applications-prior-to-caucuses-566856321.html
KCRG, 9 January 2020, Aaron Scheinblum]
With just a few weeks until Caucuses night, Gov. Kim Reynolds is continuing to push to restore voting rights for felons that have been released from prison.
Pat Garrett, Communications Director for the governor, said Reynolds “has directed her administration to do everything possible to review and approve as many felon voting rights applications before the caucuses.”
Currently, Iowa is the only state that permanently bans felons from voting or running for public office. Read More
Last Updated: August 17, 2020 by InsideOut Reentry
Iowa could soon be alone in the nation with felon voting ban — and become a bigger target for ban’s opponents
[Source: https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/investigations/2019/11/26/iowa-may-alone-felon-voting-ban-kentucky-prepares-drop-practice/4127351002/
The Des Moines Register, 26 November 2019, by Jason Clayworth]
Iowa is poised to become the only state that permanently bans felons from voting unless they receive gubernatorial approval — a distinction some opponents of the practice predict will result in legal and political consequences for the state.
Kentucky is currently the only other state with such a ban. But its governor-elect, Andy Beshear, has promised to sign an executive order restoring the rights of more than 100,000 people affected by the ban. He is to be inaugurated Dec. 10. Read More
Last Updated: August 17, 2020 by InsideOut Reentry
Employers, community members experience what life is like for ex-offenders after prison
[Source: https://www.kcrg.com/content/news/Employers-community-members-experience-what-life-is-like-for-ex-offenders-after-prison-565127872.html
KCRG, 18 November 2019, by Aaron Scheinblum]
Low unemployment might be causing some businesses to give ex-offenders more opportunities in the job market, and in North Liberty, a nonprofit teamed up with the city to have employers and other community members experience what it is like for those coming out of prison looking to find work.
According to the Society of Human Resource Management, a survey of 2,000 hiring professionals found only 14 percent of human resource managers would not consider ex-offenders. Executives said 82 percent of their felon hires, however, were as successful as employees that were not felons. Read More
Last Updated: September 25, 2020 by InsideOut Reentry
Inside Out Reentry Fall 2019 Newsletter
Last Updated: September 25, 2020 by InsideOut Reentry
Inside Out Reentry Spring Newsletter 2019
Last Updated: August 17, 2020 by InsideOut Reentry
They Served Their Time and Now They’re Working to Win Back Right to Vote
[Source: https://www.press-citizen.com/story/news/2019/01/16/area-residents-convicted-felonies-seeking-restoration-right-vote/2584688002/
The Iowa City Press Citizen, 16 January 2019, by Hillary Ojeda]
Doren Walker and Todd Williams, of Kalona and Mt. Pleasant respectively, lost their right to vote after being convicted of felonies in the state of Iowa. But they’re working to change that. They’re two of more than 52,000 Iowans unable to vote despite serving their time in the state, according to Washington, D.C.-based research center The Sentencing Project. Felon voting rights made national headlines in November when Florida residents successfully voted in a measure to restore voting rights for its convicted felons, with a few exceptions. In her Condition of the State address Tuesday, Governor Kim Reynolds mentioned the Florida result and said she doesn’t “believe voting rights should be forever stripped, and I don’t believe restoration should be in the hands of a single person.” Read More
Last Updated: August 13, 2020 by InsideOut Reentry
Inside Out Reentry Newsletter Winter 2018
Inside Out Reentry Newsletter Winter 2018
Last Updated: August 13, 2020 by InsideOut Reentry
Inside Out Reentry Newsletter Summer 2018
We are pleased to share Inside Out Reentry’s first ever Newsletter, highlighting recent news, events, and the work we do with and on behalf of returning citizens in our community: Inside-Out-Reentry-Summer-Newsletter.pdf
Last Updated: August 17, 2020 by InsideOut Reentry
A Resource Guide for People Leaving Prison
[Source: “A Resource Guide for People Leaving Prison,” Iowa Public Radio, 27 December 2017, by Rob Dillard]
A Johnson County-based nonprofit is joining with the Iowa Department of Corrections to produce an on-line resource guide for people who are being released from prison. The organization is trying to compile a complete list of support services available in the state.
The group Inside Out Reentry Community formed in 2015 to assist recently incarcerated men and women find jobs, housing, counseling services and even clothing after their release. Its director Mike Cervantes says there is plenty of support for these people, but it’s not always easy to find. Read More